May 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Pending Approval

Please note that this is a request only and does not constitute a booked appointment. You will receive a confirmation email if the requested time is available. For same day appointments please call to schedule.

Need more flexibility?

Are these date/time combos not working out for your specific situation?
Let us know more about your need and we’ll do our best to meet it.

We will confirm your appointment

If for some odd reason we cannot accommodate the exact time you picked, we will contact you and let you know when the next available time is.

What happens to my information?

The information you provide stays with KND Salon. We will not share your contact information, nor any other details you provide about yourself. You can be sure we will not abuse contacting you either. If you wish to no longer hear from us, we will promptly grant your wish.